Chatham: 412 Grand Ave. E Leamington: 252 Oak St. E | 226-494-4000

Dentist Leamington

Dental Implants Leamington

3 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants

There are several myths surrounding dental implants. These myths include the cost, success rate, and benefits of dental implants. Let’s dispel these myths and get you on the path to having a beautiful smile! Here are 3 Surprising Facts About Dental Implants Myths About Dental Implants There are many myths about dental implants that you

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Dentist Leamington

How Thumb Sucking Can Be Detrimental to Your Child’s Oral Health

Early childhood habits can be essential to your child’s long-run dental health. When children are young, their bones are still developing; jaws included! Harmful short-term habits can have significant long-term effects. In order to effectively challenge these habits, it’s beneficial to understand the effects and reasoning behind the behavior. This is how thumb sucking can

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Dentist Leamington

How to Treat & Prevent Gum Infections

Over half of all adults in North America suffer from some type of gum disease. Like any other part of your body, your gums are susceptible to becoming infected. Gum disease can be painful and can make it difficult to talk, eat or drink. If left unchecked for too long, gum disease can develop into

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Dentist Chatham

Chatham Dentist – Brookside Family Dental

Are you looking for a Chatham dentist? Our brand new office, Brookside Family Dental, is now open and accepting new patients and emergencies! We are thrilled to share our exciting new patient promotions with you. Brookside Family Dental offers a $99 new patient exam, which includes an exam, cleaning, and any necessary X-rays. In addition, we

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