Do you feel anxious whenever you think about the dentist? This fear is very common, as many patients dread visiting the dentist. They feel stressed and scared. It causes them to postpone or cancel their appointments. This can lead to several issues with your oral health; if you do not visit your dentist, you may also experience issues with your overall health.
Suppose you suffer from severe anxiety when visiting a dentist or feel extremely uncomfortable while sitting in a dental chair. In that case, there are solutions you can discuss with your dentist, including oral sedation.
What is Oral Sedation?
It consists of a pill taken one hour before your dental procedure and provides minimal to moderate sedation by dulling your senses. Oral sedation does not put patients to sleep, and your size and weight will affect the strength of the sedative. Your dentist will consider this information carefully and provide the appropriately strengthened sedative required for your dental procedure.
In terms of strength, the nature of your dental procedure will determine how strong the sedative should be. A lower dose pill will provide you with minimal sedation and will make you feel relaxed and drowsy, but you will not lose consciousness. A larger dose will result in more moderate sedation; some patients will feel groggy enough to fall asleep during their procedure. If this happens, your dentist will wake you with a gentle shake.
Should You Consider Oral Sedation?
This option can be considered by patients who feel very anxious about visiting the dentist. If you feel scared of a certain dental procedure or have a phobia of needles or dental tools, oral sedation can help. This will make you feel more relaxed during your dental appointment, and you will be able to receive the treatment you need. When you feel comfortable during your dental appointment, the dentist can perform the procedure quickly, making the experience easier for everyone.
Oral sedation may be an option in any of the following situations:
- You have low pain tolerance.
- You experience severe anxiety or fear from dental procedures or needles.
- You have an active gag reflex.
- You find it challenging to sit still in a dentist’s chair.
- You require a lot of dental work.
Oral sedation will make you feel drowsy, relaxed, and comfortable, and your anxiety will quickly fade away. You will remain awake and responsive; some patients may feel tingling in their limbs, hands, and feet.
Benefits of Oral Sedation
Compared to other sedation methods, oral sedation has many benefits, including how easy it is to administer. All you must do is swallow a pill an hour before your procedure, which makes this option non-invasive and perfect for anyone with a fear of needles.
Patients will remain conscious, and even though you will feel comfortable and relaxed, you will not lose consciousness – unless you fall asleep. Additionally, many patients will have little to no memory of the procedure when they take an oral sedative, which is especially beneficial for anyone with dental anxiety because you won’t remember what happened during your procedure.
Finally, oral sedatives are very safe to use, and side effects are very rare.
What to Expect
You will have to take the oral sedative one hour before your dental procedure, and once the sedation starts to take effect, your dentist will monitor your breathing and blood pressure to ensure they remain in the normal range.
During the procedure, you will feel relaxed and drowsy, and your limbs may feel heavy. The worries, stress, and anxiety you usually feel throughout a dental appointment will disappear, and you will receive the treatment you need.
Once your procedure is complete, your dentist will check your heart rate, breathing and blood pressure to confirm everything is normal. Oral sedation can have lingering effects, so a friend or family member should drive you home after your appointment. Only return to work or participate in intense physical activity once all the side effects disappear.
Count On Brookside Dental For Oral Sedation
Do you want to learn more about oral sedation? Brookside Family Dental will discuss this option, and our dentist will determine if this solution is right for you. If you live in the Leamington and Chatham areas and need a professional cleaning or an emergency dentist, we are here to help.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment!