Chatham: 412 Grand Ave. E Leamington: 252 Oak St. E | 226-494-4000

Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku

Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku

If you are looking for a dentist in Chatham or Leamington, Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku is now accepting new patients! Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku also provides emergency dental services, so give Brookside Family Dental a call to schedule your appointment. Want to learn more about Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku? Check out her bio below! She is very excited to meet you!

Dr. Jasmin Yu-Hsin Ku grew up in Windsor, ON, before receiving her Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree from New York University. Prior to that, she graduated from McMaster University with an Honours B.Sc degree. She worked and explored in Toronto before returning closer to her hometown.

Dr. Jasmin is dedicated to helping people of all ages with their dental needs and restoring healthy smiles. She loves to share her passion in dentistry with everyone in both English and Mandarin.

When Dr. Jasmin is not at work, she enjoys exploring local coffee spots with a book in her hand. She also likes to play the cello and travel around the world with her family and friends while trying new foods.