After getting dental implant surgery, you may have questions about what to expect. You have made a big investment in your health and well-being, so it’s important to know what to do after your surgery. Here are some tips on how to care for yourself afterward: Bleeding after surgery You may have some bleeding from
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If you are searching for dental implants, Leamington is home to our Brookside Family Dental office and we can help you determine the best solution that works for your tooth replacement. You may be wondering what materials comprise the dental implants that we provide for our patients here at Brookside Family Dental. While titanium is
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New patients welcome! Are you or someone you know looking for a Chatham dentist? Look no further! Brookside Family Dental is now accepting new patients. Our team would be happy to provide care to you and your loved ones. Upon arriving at our brand new clinic, you will be greeted by one of our friendly
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What is Invisalign? Great question! Invisalign is a breakthrough orthodontic treatment option for straitening teeth that are offered at our Chatham dentist office. Patients enjoy a treatment that is more comfortable and easier to maintain than traditional train-track braces. Additionally, it can be used to treat both simple and complex orthodontic cases. Invisalign treatment involves
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